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donate one dollar with a bit of you is happy for them
donanos un solo dollar con un poco de ti es la felizidad de ellos
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One day the disciples of GOD were debating and asked Jesus, “Lord, who is more important to you?”Jesus took the hand of a child and sat him close to him and said “He who receives this child in my name, will receive me, and he who receives me will also receive he who sent me. That is why the most insignificant of you is the most important to me.”
(Mt18.1-5; Mr 9.33-37)

December 14, 2006
We were surprised by the announcement that the child, Jeysón Piñeda Ramos, had lost his battle to Cancer. For all members of our Volunteer Program and our Organization this was a tremendous loss and sadness.
On behalf of Equal Rights Organization, we wish to express our condolences to the family of Jeyson. He will always hold a special place in the "hearts" of our Organization.
This child leaves a legacy of love and hope; and especially inspiration for us to continue our effort to "save lives". This strength must not be allowed to falter so we can avoid other children from suffering because of economic resources and above all "hope". Today January